Once you’ve decided to become a cosmetologist in British Columbia you must first enroll in one of the many schools in the province. You might elect to attend classes in person or online or even take beauty classes in high school, depending on your own circumstances. Attend a program in person gives you a chance to start out right away with hands-on learning.

North Vancouver, BC
North Vancouver, BC – Flying Penguin [CC-BY-SA-3.0

BC Schools or Hairdressing Apprenticeship, It’s Your Choice

You can also become a cosmetologist in British Columbia via on-the-job training as an apprentice. You would seek out an entry-level or apprenticeship position with a cosmetologist and learn about the job as you go.

There are benefits to learning on-the-job, of course, because you’ll gain valuable real world experience and cut down on costs so much that you end up getting free cosmetology training. But it’s also important to note that taking a training program starts you out at the very beginning and ensures that you don’t miss any information along the way. Your course work can also provide you with real life examples that you can put to use soon after completing your training.

BC Hairdressing License

Cosmetology isn’t regulated in British Columbia, but you can become a Certified Cosmetology Professional, or CCP, via The Beauty Council. The Beauty Council offers a series of exams for qualification as a CCP. They also offer a BeautySafe certification. Regardless of how you choose to learn your cosmetology craft, you’ll need to be able to provide proof of 1500 school hours, 3000 apprenticeship hoursor a combination of both in order to take the exam and gain certification.

At Our World is Beauty we don’t specifically endorse the Beauty Council, but there are distinct benefits to joining. Your annual membership dues ensure that you’re listed in the professional registry and that you have access to educational opportunities. You also have the opportunity to network with other beauty professionals.

Many municipalities in British Columbia require that a cosmetologist is a member of The Beauty Council and has passed certification exams in order to apply for a business license. This means that if you want to be able to engage clients at all, you’ll need to learn your trade as well as pass one or more exams offered through The Beauty Council directly.

Keeping Yourself & Your Clients Safe

The BeautySafe certification program enables you to learn more about safety, sterilization, and infection control practices. BeautySafe certification is good for three years, after which time it can be renewed by taking the course and the exam again.

While this might seem frustrating and hard, the important thing to remember is that safety practices and knowledge do change over time. Renewing your BeautySafe certification as a cosmetologist ensures that you’re up-to-date on the most recent safety information.

Some Cosmetology Schools in British Columbia with Costs

NameAddressCostOther Programs
Roggendorf School of Hairdressing10598 King George Boulevard, Surrey, V3T 2X3Registration $100.00 (Non-Refundable) Student Kit $950
Textbooks and Study Guide $300
Uniforms $65
Data witness – graduated record $33
Tuition $6,700
Total cost for the program = $8148
Hairstylist and Barber
Management, Leadership and Training,
Nail Technician
Vancouver Hairdressing Academy2331 Granville Street, Vancouver, V6H2G4Tuition: $8000
Textbook cost: $800
kit fees: $2000
MC College575 Wall Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2T5Tuition: $12,500
Books/Supplies: $3,150
Registration Fee: $100
Graduation Fee: $100
Esthetics, Fashion design
Suki's Academy1030 West Georgia Street, Suite 233, Vancouver, V6E 2Y3
2 Day Weekender: $450
5 Day Advanced Refresher: $1100
Additional classes: $220/day
Future Hair Training Centre1259 Granville St, Vancouver, V6Z 0A1Tuition: $8,000
Books and Supplies: $1,500
Aveda Institute & Academy Salon Vancouver101-111 Water Street, Vancouver, V6B 1A7Tuition: $6,300 ($250 deposit is applied to this amount)
Student Kit & Books: $250+ applicable taxes

Advance School Of Hair Design & Esthetics – Victoria

Alberni Beauty Academy – Port Alberni

BM Chan International Cosmetology College – Vancouver

Comox Valley Beauty School – Courtenay

Deja Vu Intl School Of Cosmetology – Vancouver

Noble House Hairstyling School – New Westminster

Valle School Of Beauty – Chilliwack

Marvel College – Kelowna

Marvel College – Vancouver

Other British Columbia schools for nail technicians, estheticians, massage, barbers and makeup artists.

School URLs:
ecacademy.com (they offer part-time classes too!)

Did we miss any BC/Vancouver hair schools in this list. Please let us know.