There are some good beauty schools in New Jersey where you can get your training to prepare to get licensed. Also, did you also know that NJ has the most diners in the US? For this reason it’s sometimes called “The Diner Capital of the World”. So you are likely to have a good place to eat wherever the school you choose is located.

Asbury Park Beach, NJ
Asbury Park Beach, NJ by Jackie from Monmouth County, NJ [CC BY 2.0]

How Long Is It?

To get licensed as a cosmetologist in NJ requires aspirants to go through the process of learning and practicing at a school that can give you the training you need either part-time or full-time as long as you can pay the necessary costs (hint: if you start your training in high school you may be able to get free or low-cost tuition). Like many states, qualifying schools must provide at least 1,200 hours of instruction and financial aid is available. It’s easy to find a school nearby by entering your ZIP below:

As a cosmetologist you will need to be conversant with many aspects of beauty care. As such you will study hair cutting and styling, makeup, nails, how to open your own salon, how to be professional, etc.

Other types of beauty education which focus on a specific area, such as nails, require fewer hours. So, if you already know you’d like to specialize in for instance, esthetics, you can save yourself a lot of time by going straight to esthetics schools instead of cosmetology.


After graduating from school you’ll still need to prove to the state board that you are a capable beauty professional. This is done by passing the New Jersey cosmetology exams.

There’s a written exam which will focus on theoretical knowledge and a practical exam in which you’ll show your hands-on skills. If you have a completed your training to your instructor’s satisfaction you should have no problem with either exam.

One thing to note though, is that you must be at least 17 years of age to take the exams and have finished high school.


Finally — after you’ve completed education and exams successfully — you must apply for your license. After all the hard work of school this is the final bit of red tape paperwork before you can get working in a beauty salon or even open your own shop.


NJ also has the option of getting your license quickly. If you are moving from another state you can apply to get your license in NJ without going through the arduous process of schooling. As long as you can prove you have the skills and education from another state and pay the necessary fees you are in!

Once you are licensed and working you’ll need to renew your license every two years.

To find work as a cosmetologist you’ll likely want to check out various employment sites to get an idea of what’s available.

Cosmetology Schools in New Jersey

NameAddressCostOther Programs
Artistic AcademyRoute 10 East, 301 Gibraltar Drive, Suite 1A,Morris Plains, 07950Tuition: $15,960
Books, Equipment, Taxes: $1,980
Registration: $100
Total: $18,040
Capri Institute615 Winters Avenue, Paramus, 07652Tuition & Fees: $13,780
Books & Supplies: $1,100
Barbering, Skin Care Specialty, Manicuring
Cutting Edge Academy45 Sunset Strip & Route 10 East, Succasunna, 07876$15,580Barbering, Manicuring, Skin Care Specialty
Rizzieri Aveda School8200 Town Center Boulevard, Voorhees, 08043Tuition: $17,550
Supplies: $2,500
Registration Fee: $ 350
Skin Care, Manicuring,
Empire Beauty School15 Ward Street, Bloomfield, 07003$14,298Esthetics, Hairstylist
Total Image Beauty Academy3900 Bergenline Avenue, Union City, 07087Tuition: $12,500.00
Registration Fee (non-refundable): $100.00
Equipment, Textbook, Supplies (non-refundable): $1,400.00
Total Costs:$14,000.00

Also NJ schools for nails, barbers, & makeup.

Still having doubts about studying cosmetology?
Parisian Beauty Academy – Hackensack

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