If you want to get a license to work in the skin care business in Hawaii, the board of barbering and cosmetology requires you to complete 600+ hours of esthetician training. Medical esthetician training will require additional hours and some kind of medical training like MD or RN. You will probably also be able to do part of your training online.

The training can also be accomplished through apprenticeship since Hawaii recognizes this method to be legitimate and genuine.

Also, note that some schools do offer training longer that the required time except in apprentice training, where one is required to complete about 1200 hours of supervised work. Some students opt to combine both schooling and apprenticeship, but if you want to complete your training fastest, take your training solely at school. Search the one closest to you using your ZIP below:

Once you are done with the schooling, you will need a temporary permit plus an operator form.

The Exam & Licensing Process for Estheticians in HI

After your application has been approved, you are registered to take licensing exams which are held three times a year.

The exam is sponsored by the Hawaii board and takes place in January, May, and October. The exam is monitored, and before the exam date, the students are sent a letter for verification purposes.

After selecting the date of the exam, you are sent another email with all the details about the exam date. The test results are known within two weeks of sitting for it. If you pass, then all you will need to do is clear with the department regarding the fee and wait for your aesthetician license to be sent to you.

Out-Of-State License

You can also get a license from Hawaii if you undertook the course in another state as long it meets their standards and rules. Documents required to back up your state license are all your education documents as well as the license you hold in the other state(s).


The license has to be renewed every 31st of December. Failure to renew will result in your license being revoked for three years. At this time, there is no education requirement for renewal.

Getting An Esthetician Job in Hawaii

Often your alma mater will help you find employment, but if not, you can use job search websites such as hawaiijobsondemand.com

At some point, you may want to open your own skin care business. If you didn’t learn how to do this in classes during your training, you can always take a cosmetology night class to figure out the ins and outs of being an entrepreneur.

Also, take a look at our school costs page to get an idea of how much your training will be.

Some Hawaii Esthetician Schools

NameAddress CostOther Programs
IBS School of Cosmetology and Massage110 East Kaahumanu Avenue, Number 201 Kahului 96732
$4,068Hair Dressing, Esthetics, Nail Technology, Cosmetology, Beauty Instructor Training
Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy560 North Nimitz Highway, Suite 119B, Honolulu 96817UnknownEsthetician
The Skin Institute Internationalé1050 Queen Street, Number 300, Honolulu, 96823$10,500Massage, Continuing Ed
International School of Beauty and Esthetique1888 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, 96815UnknownUnknown
Hawai'i Cosmetology Academy1750 Kalakaua Avenue Suite 3104 Honolulu 96826 $4,500Massage, Continuing Education
Island Spa, Body & Esthetics Hawaii1600 Ala Moana Boulevard Suite 200, Honolulu 96815UnknownCosmetology, Hair Styling, Massage & Spa Services, Nail Care, Salon Management, Skin Care

Did we miss any schools? Please contact us to let us know.

Also, Hawaii schools for nail techs, barbers, and cosmetologists.





Photo by Luke McKeown on Unsplash