For more information on Barber Schools check here.

Did you know… the state name comes from the Spanish word for “mountain”? If you already live in MT you are familiar with the natural beauty. But what about enhancing the beauty of people around you? That’s what this article is all about. If you have a interest in men’s grooming and want to make it into a career then find out how you can get licensed in Montana and change your passion into a profession.

How Many Hours Does Barber Training Take in Montana?

As long as you attend a school approve by the state’s governing body and as long as the barber program is 1,500 hours or more you are good to go. If you go to school full-time you will be at it for close to a year. If you attend part-time more like two years. Part-time is an excellent option if you have a job or family that takes up a lot of your time. Easily find the school closest to you with our app below:

You’ll learn the kind of things you’d expect to like hair cutting, shaving, use of a barber’s implements and sanitation, but did you know you’ll likely learn about history and anatomy and how to give a neck massage? Barbering is more complicated than it used to be!

Getting Your License

That state board requires you to take exams after you have graduated. And, yes you do need to prove that you have attended school for the amount of time mentioned above.

The two exams that you will take involve both theory and practice. Both must be passed with a score of 75% or better. The theory exam includes questions about chemicals, and both facial and scalp hair cutting. The practical involves showing that you can put your knowledge to good use by performing chemical services, hair cutting, and shaving with good safety precautions.

Moving From Another State?

If you can prove that you have been licensed in another U.S. state then you may apply to Montana for endorsement. You’ll need to show various documents for this and may or may not have to take tests as mentioned above depending on your professional standing and education history.


Once you have you license you will need to renew it every two years. This is fairly easy to do as no refresher classes or upgrading needs be done. You will however need to pay a fee and submit an application.

Barber Jobs in MO

When you finally finished your training and passed exams to get licensed you will be ready to work. Employment can be found online or you can start your own business. Your school will likely have prepared you to open your own barber shop as that is one of the best ways to get a good salary and career.

Montana Barber Schools Listings

Bold Beauty Academy – 928 Broadwater Avenue, Billings, MT 59101

Big Sky College of Barber Styling – 909 South Ave West, Missoula, MT 59801

Montana Academy of Salons – 501 2nd Street South, Great Falls, MT 59405

Other MT schools for cosmetologists, estheticians, nail techs and makeup artists.

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