Barbering in Minnesota is a growing profession! More is also being demanded of barbers. It used to be that you didn’t even have to go to school to open your own barber shop – not any more. Now you are required to choose among the states schools to get a thorough training.

And once you finish your education you will be required to prove to the state board that you are competent. Keep reading to find out all about the requirements to get licensed as a barber in MN. For an overview of training check here.

How Long Does It Take To Become A Barber in Minnesota

Given all the skills that you need to learn and all the knowledge you need to have, it is no surprise that you need 1,500 hours of training at school. In the past you could get by just knowing how to give a good haircut and shave and knowing how to use barber tools. Now you need to know all about hair colouring, perms, wigs, straightening, and of course running a business.

But, guess what? Once you have finished school you’ll still need to do four years as an apprentice under a master barber. In many states such as TX and NY you only need to complete a program and take licensing exams. To find the school closest to you check our app below:

Licensing Exams For Barber’s In Minnesota

As mentioned, after graduating the board states that you will need to get your apprentice license. There are exams – written, oral and practical – that you will need to pass with 70% or better.

After officially becoming an apprentice you’ll then have four years under a master barber to complete your training. When that four years is up you should be ready for your final licensing exams. Those tests are similar to the earlier ones and are composed of oral, written and practical sections. If you pass all those with 75% or better you will finally be a fully qualified barber and receive a license stating just that.

Whether you are a fully qualified barber or an apprentice you’ll need to renew your license annually. This requires a fee but can be done easily online since there is no refresher classes requirement.

Barber Work in Minnesota

So you’ve finished barber school and done your training under a master and are ready to start your career in earnest. You can rent a chair in salon for a while or you can open your own shop if you feel you are ready for that.

Whether you get a job or strike out on your own you can expect to get a decent salary and, of course, enjoy a great profession that you can continue refining as you get more and more experience.

List of Barber Schools in Minnesota

Minnesota School of Barbering – 3615 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406

Moler Barber School – 200 Waite Avenue South #220, St Cloud, MN 56301

Townsend Barber Institute – 694 County B Road W, Roseville, MN 55113

School Websites:

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