Still having doubts about studying cosmetology?

In spite of PEI’s position as the smallest province, the beauty industry is booming in the small island! Part of it may be the great tourist industry, or the innate ability of the locals to put you at ease, that speaks so well to an industry that relies on being able to make your clients comfortable.

But PEI has great training and fantastic opportunities available for anyone looking for work in cosmetology. From top schools that boast a 100% hireability rate, to dedicated associations to help you build a career, and tax breaks and training programs to keep you motivated even as an established salon, PEI is a great place to start a career in the beauty industry. It all begins with getting your hairdressing/cosmetology license. You might even want to check with your high school to see if you can get an early start with your program.

Cavendish Beach, PEI
Cavendish Beach, PEI – photo by Dylan Kereluk [CC BY 2.0]

Education Requirements

All cosmetologist experts, whether in hair, skin, or nails, must register with the Prince Edward Island Hair Dresser’s association. To ensure that you are licensed to work on clients throughout your study, you must apply for registration within 30 days of the beginning of your course.

There are varying requirements for hair, nail and skin experts, but your study period is a minimum of 1250 hours. Read about some challenges you’ll meet along the way.

Getting Your License

Once your study period is over, you must register as a member of the Association as a Licensed Beauty Operator 1. After you pay the membership fee, you can be employed at a licensed salon and practice your skills under supervision. Your required apprenticeship lasts 1000 hours. Once you have completed it, you must pay to complete your practical exam. Once you’ve passed the exam, you are qualified for a beauty operator license 2. You can work unsupervised, and open your own salon, or work freelance hours.

Licensing Out-Of-Province

To apply to work as a beauty expert in PEI, you need to prove qualifications. You must submit a copy of your current license to the association. It must be proved in good standing, no black marks, and current. You may also be asked for a completed resume of salons or spas you have worked, and a record of at least 1000 hours of work experience.

Renew Your PEI License

Your license must be renewed every year by September 15th. No continuing education is required, but you may find it helpful to upgrade your skills. Fees are listed on the association’s website according to your individual license level.

Work Opportunities For Beauticians in PEI

Prince Edward Island is experiencing a boom in estheticians and beauty operators. The top beauty schools of the province boast 100% hireability in this growing profession.

What’s more, with only 2000 extra hours of experience, you can receive your Master Licensed Beauty Operator certification, allowing you to train and oversee apprenticeships of your own and possibly increase your salary

The province offers major tax incentives for salons that participate in apprenticeship programs, so there are plenty of opportunities for your business to grow! Once you’ve graduated, check in with your school for help landing your first job, or you can visit a PEI job bank like.

Hair Concepts Training Centre – Summerside

Private Institute Hair Design and Aesthetic – Charlottetown

Did we miss any PEI cosmetology schools in this list? Please let us know.

Other PEI schools for estheticians.

Private Institute Hair Design and Aesthetic – Charlottetown

Westisle Composite High School – Elmsdale