While most people know Missouri as the “Show Me State”, but it is also known as “The Cave State” because 6,000 known caves have been found there! True, that’s got little to do with makeup artist schools but it’s an interesting fact about the state. Now on to what you came here for 🙂 …

kansas city missouri
Kansas City at night by Lasse Fuss [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Missouri has no schools dedicated to makeup only. Also the state board of cosmetology doesn’t distribute makeup artist licenses. However, it is absolutely required to get a license to work in a salon even if it is just to do makeup. So that leaves you with a choice of going to an esthetician school or a cosmetology school to get makeup training and to get prepared to take the exams which you will need to do in order to get a license. Find beauty schools close by by entering your ZIP:

You can read about what is involved in getting an esthetician license here and a cosmetology license here.

How Many Hours?

Basically, you’ll need to do 750 hours of training as well as pass state exams to get an esthetician license. And to get a cosmetology license you’ll need 1,500 hours and to pass the exams. You will likely get a better education more focused on skin and makeup in the esthetician schools and have to attend fewer classes to do so. Some schools also offer the theoretical part of makeup training online.

In either case there will be a lot of classes that have nothing to do with makeup because you are learning a much broader range of skills in both beauty school and esthetician school. And if you want to learn theatrical makeup there are even fewer options for that … you’ll likely need to go out-of-state to find a special effects school as well.

Getting Certified

As mentioned for both cosmetology and esthetics you’ll need to take exams in order to show the state board that you have the knowledge and skill necessary. There’s a theory/written exam to show you know your stuff and a practical to show you know how to apply your knowledge in real-life situations helping a beauty client.

Once you have your license you are free to work or open your own salon. Prospects are good for makeup specialists in MO, too, since most people don’t make it their specialty but focus instead on a broader range of skills. CNBC even recommends MO to job hunters!

A Couple of Places That Offer Makeup Training

Duvardo Academy of Hair Design – St Louis

The Beauty Bar – St. Louis

Did we miss any makeup schools in Missouri? Please contact us to let us know.

Also MO schools for cosmetology, barbers, estheticians, & nails.

Don’t forget: although there are only a couple of schools listed here that offer makeup training there are always other ways to learn. You can change location to a place that has more choice for makeup training, you can learn a lot online, and you can also try an apprenticeship if you are persistent!