Need more information on medical and online esthetician schools? Check here.

You may believe that becoming a skin care specialist or esthetician is just about going to beauty school, and learning new makeup techniques. But to become a licensed skin care specialist in Nova Scotia, you need to know what you’re hoping to specialize in when you start.

Nova Scotia has plenty of opportunities for those looking to work in esthetics, medical offices, or beauty parlours in the province and beyond.

Lunenburg, NS [CC-BY-SA-3.0]

How Long Does It Take To Get Training At Esthetician Schools In Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia’s Board of Cosmetology has different levels of education requirements and licensing stipulations. But it begins with having a high school diploma, and registering at an accredited course.

You must complete 1,500 hours of theory and practical instruction in makeup application, hair treatments, skin diseases, and other courses. Check with your school to make sure you’re getting the required hours in esthetics, rather than hairdressing, to become a skincare specialist.

How To Go About Getting A License

Students in an accredited program will need to apply for a student permit within 30 days of beginning a course. That makes it possible to get your apprenticeship hours while you’re in school.

After your graduation, you will be permitted to apply for a temporary license, which is good for a maximum of one year. During that year, you are expected to complete a theory and practical exam set out by the board, and you are permitted to work while waiting for your results.

After you pass your exams, you will officially be issued a license!


It is possible to get credential recognition for out of province and even out of country applicants of an esthetician.

You must hold a valid current license issued by another province or territory.

You must also hold a completion certificate or diploma from a registered school.

You may also need to bring records of any other cosmetology licenses, and upgraded courses.

NS License Renewal For Aesthetics

You must renew your license every year on or before December 31st. The association offers many courses and opportunities for upgrading, but they’re not necessary to renew your license. You just need to pay the fee and submit the licensing application.

Finding Work

There are plenty of job opportunities for an esthetician in Nova Scotia.

It has a smaller population, but Nova Scotia’s Cosmetology Association offers many chances for upgrades.

You may decide to become an instructor of esthetics, by taking an additional 1,500 hours of training to become a master esthetician, or use your work experience to open a private salon or skin treatment center and boost your salary.

Whatever you choose, taking extra courses in business and customer service is bound to serve you well in your new profession!

MBC School of Esthetics – New Minas

Cosmetology Act of NS – pdf.

Other Nova Scotia schools for nail techs, makeup artists, and cosmetologists.

Academy of Cosmetology – Dartmouth

Cape Breton Business College – Sydney

Hair Design Centre – Halifax

Hair Masters – North Sydney

Did we miss any schools? Please contact us to let us know.