To be licensed in the state of Alabama as an esthetician, you must complete a program for esthetics with a registered (check if an online school is acceptable for all or part of your credit — you could save money) or licensed school of cosmetology or schools of esthetics. Alabama’s licensing requirement states that you must have at least 1000 hours of training.

Birmingham, AL downtown The other alternative is to complete a formal apprenticeship program with supervision under a licensed esthetician. You can apply for your apprenticeship by filling out an apprentice application and sending it to the Board. The Board requires that the applicant has at least 2000 hours of supervised study.

After you complete your apprenticeship or a formal educational program, you’re required to apply for licensing with the AL Board. You’ll be notified by the Board if your application was approved, and then you can take the written exam. But first, you need to find somewhere to learn… enter your ZIP below to find the closest schools:

Required Exams for Licensing in Alabama

Written Exam

You must score with a percentage of 70% or higher. The test takes about 90 minutes too, and there’s more information available for the written exam if you read the bulletin for candidate information.

Practical Exam

Once you’ve completed the written exam, you can make an appointment for the practical exam. You will receive a notice of the practical admission 10 days before your exam takes place. Be sure to bring your ID, current passport with photo, and you’re admission notice. You’re also required to bring all the supplies you’ll need to take the exam. Again, more information is available by reading the bulletin for candidate information.

Keeping Your License

In the State of Alabama, once you obtain your license as an esthetician, you have to renew it by submitting for renewal biennially every 2 years on your month of birth and odd-numbered year. Alabama does not need any other requirements for keeping your esthetics license other than this renewal process, but it is never a bad idea to seek refresher courses and to expand your knowledge and skill set.

Also, look at our page about medical esthetics to get an idea of that aspect of the training. It can pay a lot more and be more fulfilling in that you are making an even bigger difference in people’s appearance and well-being.

Some Esthetician Schools in Alabama

NameAddressCostOther Programs
Gadsden State Community College1801 Coleman Road Anniston, 36207$10,700Salon and Spa Management
Aveda Institute Birmingham3200 Riverchase Galleria, Birmingham, 35244$14,700Cosmetology
Blue Cliff Career College 2970 Cottage Hill Road Number 175, Mobile, 36606$14,100Cosmetology, Massage Therapy
University Academy of Hair Design3400 McFarland Boulevard Number 3, Northport, 35476,$11,700Cosmetology
Virginia College2021 Drake Avenue SouthWest Huntsville, 35801$14,400Therapeutic Massage, Cosmetology
St John's School Of Esthetics7525 Memorial Parkway SouthWest
Huntsville, 35802

LEARN School of Esthetics & Medical Esthetics – Decatur

Skinactics School Of Aesthetics – Birmingham

Premiere Institute of Beauty and Wellness – Center Point

Alabama esthetician exam info – pdf.

Other Alabama schools for nail techs, barbers, cosmetologists and makeup artists.

Did we miss any Alabama skin care schools? Please contact us to let us know.

Photo: Birmingham, AL downtown by John Morse [CC 3.0]