Montana’s crisp mountain air makes for beautiful surroundings, but it may not be the height of the fashion world. If you’ve got a passion for making people look and feel fantastic, you might choose to work in the beauty industry. Montana has some of the top programs that offer a higher standard and more opportunity to train than many other states.

If you’re interested in cosmetology schools, Montana is a great place to learn!

Hidden Lake, MT panorama
Hidden Lake, MT panorama

How Long Does Schooling Take For Cosmetologists in Montana?

To become a licensed cosmetologist in Montana you need to attend a cosmetology school that’s been approved by the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. This means 2000 hours of training. The hours of study break down by subject, and may vary depending on the school. You’ll be trained in everything from esthetics, shampoo and scalp treatment, hair cutting, and salon management, among other subjects.

Your Cosmetology License in Montana

When your 2000 hours are completed, you must pass the Board-approved examinations. There’s a written and practical component to your exams. You’ll need to pass both exams to be licensed.

A passing grade is 75%. You’ll also need to prove that you are over 18, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and the have completed your study requirements to sit the exam. There will be an application fee.

Licensing Out-Of-State

If you are looking for a transfer of your current active license in another state, you’ll need to pay the application fee, and prove your current active status on your license. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams. If you home state does not have comparable training hour requirements, you may be required to get additional training hours.

How To Renew Your Cosmetology License in Montana

Your license needs to be renewed March 1st of every other year. You will need to provide proof of your age at the time of renewal, and pay the renewal fee. No continuing education is required, though it may help you expand your opportunities to stay on top of new technologies and treatments. And if you choose to operate as a an independent contractor or open your own beauty salon, you might find business courses to be valuable.

Jobs For Beauty Pros in MT

There are many opportunities in Montana for a registered cosmetologist, makeup specialist, or hair stylist.

Beyond working in salons, you could choose spas, or working privately as a freelance cosmetologist. Montana’s beauty schools offer extensive training that includes apprenticeships, and your first job may be from contacts you make at school. If not, try an online resource like

Still having doubts about studying cosmetology?

Some Cosmetology Schools in Montana

Name Address Tuition Other Programs
Montana Academy of Salons501 2nd Street South, Great Falls, 59405$17,000.00Barbering, Esthetics, Manicuring,Massage Therapy, Microdermabrasion
Bitterroot School of Cosmetology2079 North 1st Street, Hamilton, 59840$14,000.00Manicuring
Crevier's Academy-Cosmetology240 West Idaho Street, Kalispell, 59901$12,800.00 Esthetics, Manicuring
Bold Beauty Academy928 Broadwater Avenue, Billings, 59101$14,465Barbering, Esthetics, Manicuring
Academy of Cosmetology133 West Mendenhall Street, Bozeman, 59715$11,840None
Butte Academy of Beauty Inc303 West Park Street, Butte, 59701$10,800.00 None

Also, did you know you can get an early start in your beauty training… at high school?

Academy of Cosmetology – Bozeman

Blanco-Blanco Cosmetology School – Billings

Bold Beauty Academy – Billings

Dahl’s College of Beauty – Great Falls

Montana Academy of Salons – Great Falls

Did we miss any cosmetology schools in Montana in this list? Please let us know.