Healthy, glowing skin isn’t just about looking beautiful. Your skin can reveal a lot about your health, and taking care of it prevents infection and scarring for yourself and others. In addition, skin care is a rewarding career path. To become a certified esthetician in Utah, you must find an accredited school that can meet the state board’s requirements. If you’re unsure where to start, this article may be the right place.

How Many Hours Does A Utah Esthetics Program Take?

In the state’s esthetician licensing programs, you can choose between basic and master esthetician courses. There aren’t any holistic esthetician schools in Utah that we know of. For a basic esthetician course, you only need 600 hours.

You’ll learn the fundamentals of facials, makeup art, color theory, and skin care. You also learn sanitation and the basics of skin disorders. Also, estheticians can’t do botox injections in Utah.

If you decide to go as far as a master esthetician, you’ll need an additional 600 hours on top (of course, it will cost more, too!), and you’ll be able to learn more advanced techniques. These include chemical peeling, light therapy, and even plastic surgery! Check to see if some hours can be done online. Otherwise, find a school nearby by entering your ZIP:

Utah Exam and License For Estheticians

Whether basic or master, all estheticians need to take a written and practical exam.

The written exam is 90 minutes long, and 60% is based on scientific concepts.

Your practical exam will not be performed on a live person, so you’ll need to bring a kit and your mannequin head to the exam. The exam will cover core services such as setup and client protection, manual extraction, and facial massage, to name a few.

After you finish your exams, you have one year to get your license. After that, your school must fill out your hours worked in the program and when you graduated.

To transfer your existing license and avoid the necessity of retraining at Utah esthetician schools, the state board mandates that you will need to apply with a paper application for reciprocity. You also need to contact your home state.

You will be licensed to practice in Utah if you have passed the NIC written and practical exams. You may even be granted the status of master esthetician if you have worked or apprenticed more than 1200 hours. All licenses must be renewed by Sept 30th, every two years after your original license.

Your Esthetician Career in UT

As of right now, Utah doesn’t require continuing education to get re-licensed. But if you choose to become a master esthetician after you are certified basic, you will almost double your projected yearly salary.

With a master’s esthetician degree and M.D., you can become a plastic surgeon eventually, or with a lot of training: a dermatologist or work in a specialist clinic. Basic estheticians focus more on beauty and skin treatments. However, you will still find plenty of work in one of Utah’s many spas or wellness clinics. Check for esthetician and master esthetician work.

Laser schools are an important optional part of an esthetician’s continuing education.

Some Estheticians Schools in Utah

NameAddressCost Other Programs
Skin Science Institute of Laser & Esthetics - Orem360 State Street #144, Orem, 84058Tuition $8,500
Kit cost $1,700
Registration Fee $50
Renaissance Academie Cosmetology and Esthetics 1460 Moon River Drive, Provo, 84604Tuition $6500.00
Text Books and Supplies $2000.00
Application Fee $50.00
Total Investment $8550.00
Cosmetology,Nail Technology
Top Nails & Hair Beauty School1735 5400 South, Salt Lake City, 84118Application Fee: $50
Kit: $1050
Tuition: $4100
Total: $5200
Barbering, Cosmetology, Nails, Permanent Cosmetics
Cameo College of Essential Beauty124 East Mc Millan Lane, Murray, 84107Tuition – $6,798.00
Kit Fee (Books Included) – $1,654.00
Utah State Sales Tax (Kit) – $120.74
Cosmetology, Nail Technology, Electrolysis, Permanent Cosmetics, Advanced Laser Tech, Dermaplaning, Micro-Needling, Makeup Artistry, Lash Extensions, Keratin Lash Lift and Tint
NIMA Professional Training Center10694 South River Front Parkway, South Jordan, 84095Tuition: $11,000
Student Clinical Kit: $1,000
Application fee: $50
Uniform (paid separately): $175
Total NIMA Tuition: $12,050
Cosmetic Injections, Comprehensive Laser
Skinworks School of Advanced Skincare2121 Nowell Circle, Salt Lake City, 84115$8,900None

The Forum Accademia – American Fork

Aveda Institiute Provo – Salt Lake City

Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design – St. George

Paul Mitchell The School – Logan

Paul Mitchell The School – Salt Lake City

More interested in other types of beauty schools? Check out our pages that list Utah schools for nail techs, barbers, cosmetologists, and makeup artists.

School URLs:

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