Delaware doesn’t have a ton of barber schools as you’d expect with its smaller than average population. That doesn’t mean the programs that are there are not good. Also, surrounding states can give you the training you need as well.

As long as you spend the necessary time in school, and as long as you can pass the licensing exams you are good to go as a barber in DE. If you’ve already decided on becoming a barber keep reading to find out more about the process of getting officially certified.

Get Your Training At Barber Schools in Delaware Or Do An Apprenticeship

Whether you go to school or college the state board says you still need to put in the same amount of time to qualify for licensing exams: 1,500 hours.

If you want to do an apprenticeship you’ll need to double that time to 3,000 hours. Being a barber’s apprentice in DE does have its advantages. You won’t have to pay tuition. You can earn while you learn. And you might have a job all ready for you once you do get your license.

In either case you will learn the same things like anatomy, hair cutting, hair styling, proper tool use and maintenance, sanitation, barber shop management and so on.

If you want to find a school try using your ZIP below to see what’s available near you:

Licensing As A Barber in Delaware

After you’ve graduated from school or your apprenticeship you’ll still need to get your license to be able to legally practice barbering in Delaware.

To get your license you’ll first need to apply to the state board and take the exams. You’re school can tell you about the details of the process.

In brief you need pay the exam fee and to complete both exams with a score of 75% or better. Once you’ve passed the tests the board will be notified and you will get your license soon after.

Part of the process of maintaining your certification is to renew your license every two years! All that’s required is to pay a fee and submit an online application.

Finding Work As A Barber in Delaware

Barber salaries are usually in the +$40K range in Delaware. As the profession is in demand it shouldn’t take you too long to progress to that type of pay. Employment can be found through online searching or through your contacts and the barber school you attended.

For the more adventurous opening a new salon is definitely an option. As you probably know already there are good things and also drawbacks to owning your own shop:

On the plus side you’ll be your own boss, and probably earn more.

On the minus side you’ll have the stress and responsibility of running a business and possibly managing employees as well. You’ll also likely put in longer hours.

List of Schools

1st State Academy of Cosmetology and Barbering – Dover, DE

Hair Academy School of Barbering & Beauty – Newark

All In The Wrist Barber Academy – Smyma

Aurora Academy of Hair Design – Dover

Schilling-Douglas School of Hair Design – Newark

Other Delaware schools for makeup artists technicians, estheticians, cosmetologists and nail techs.

Did we miss any barber schools in Delaware? Please contact us to let us know.